Yes I am!
The beginning of the end of this particular project is here...I went through a bout with self doubt and undid some of what I did late last night>early early morning...People die of sleep deprivation- good thing I'm over worrying about this as it's gotta go to JCC tomorrow. One more day/night & it would be the vanity project that killed me....I've decided I dont care that the shade of green I'm replacing the too cool blue with is sort of funky & sinister it has to stay no time left to ...Start Againhen......I conducted a survey of about 7 women sharing the paint aisle with me . Showing them the shade of pink and holding up a bag of buttons - I asked them to choose which of 3 possible greens -celadon, moss and this weird green that they felt would look best... Each one of them chose weird green and against my preference for moss..I went with weird green- which sort of looks like supernaturally bright split pea soup. Came home, primed, drew some designs on the bench and the table surface, now waiting for the first coat of greeeen to dry- then I'll fill in my designs- a button up boot, a purse, a fan and a bow, then 2nd coat of greeeeen...that will dry, then it will be touch up time and if I'm still standing, I give the surfaces a thick coat of varnish goop...maybe I'll take it over in the morning or wait til after work...
should be drying soon...please!
what am I gonna do with all these leftover buttons?
I have no DoggyBobby news- no time to scroll around-just a few friendly stops in the regular places...Excited for everyone heading to Verona! We considered that one but Friday is Jase's birthday and he probably wouldnt want to spend the weekend housesitting hanging out with his sibs..
Remember I got excused from jury duty a while back?
Looks like the trial is about over..
1 day ago