Oh boy! The friends called to let me know they will be here tonight..or tomorrow morning..Hoping they call again so I can let them know it's fine if they get in late- We're ready for them!!!!
While waiting, Jammim John will be posting the Ratdog setlist to Dot Org board once again, in real time..
From GDTS-
Bob Weir and RatDog:
Tickets at all price levels are available for the benefit
show at the Marin Center, San Rafael, CA on May 21,
with Bob Weir and RatDog, also featuring Shana
Morrison with Caledonia.
As for the extra curricular activity attached to the
$153.00 tickets, it's now known as a pre-concert
reception. Details will come with the tickets.
The show on September 1 at the Central Park
Summerstage where RatDog will co-headline
with Bruce Hornsby seems to be a very popular
event, so make sure that you get your orders
to us sometime soon, even though the show
is a ways off.
Both Balcony and GA Floor tickets are
available for the RatDog show on Friday, June 10
at The Pageant, St. Louis, MO.
Please check our web site for details on all these
4 days ago