Giddy up! It's Friday!
well, now I'm all self concious!
Thanks for the birthday wishes for Sash!
and always...for the kind words!
-the film strip thing:
Here's an idea from Anne: "If those negatives that you got from the movie are in color, they can be printed out on a color enlarger or maybe taken to walmart or costco and then enlarged." Ooooh! Nice! We were all busy celebrating the young Miss's berthaday, so I havent had a chance to borrow Scotto's Jeweler's loop (to get a close up look at my film)..
Speaking of Annegram- She & Graceful canvased shows for Headcount and I just received an email from Headcount -they are thankful to many for volunteering- here's a nice link about that:
thank you from headcount
Ive only glanced at the lists but right off saw the name of at least one Deadnetter!
not so good news from GDTSTOO:
"Many of you have been asking about New Year's.
We checked with the Band and we were told that
they have decided not to play a New Year's show
this year."
Well, what can ya do?
Maybe go to this lil web site and express your feelings
Sure I'm a bit bummed but to be fair, we have had over a month now to get used to the fact that Bobby is taking a much needed til wont be my first NYE/Birthday without a show...I think the last non Bob birthday was NYE 95? I did end up at the same party as Steve Parrish and vaguely familiar crew members..I'll probably blog about it when it hits me that there really wont be anything going on...well, except that ole me is getting older...
I think we need music, pictures & a story or 2 to cheer up with...So:
a Halldancer's site
One Night At Winterland
the friday guy's gd blog
Hmm, a Bob's Grateful Dead page?
okay, now pictures!
Really nice pix can be found HERE!! I'd put them up here but I think I clicked an agreement to not fiddle about with them? Anyway YOU should check out the website- looks like even more cool stuff to poke through!
alguns vêm rir afastado seu passado,
alguns vêm fazer-lhe apenas um mais dia,
qualquer maneira seu prazer tende,
se você plantar o gelo, you're que vai colher o vento...
15 hours ago