9 hours ago
Monday, November 01, 2004
Day o the dead! hey!
I luv it
I luv it
I luv it!
LOL, opened my e-mail box to see there was an e-vite from Bob Weir!
Actually it was from HeadCount but just seeing "From Bob Weir" was very pleasing!
Here's what he "wrote":
I just want to say to all Americans that if you cherish democracy, you really need to vote in this election. The only way we can make the world a better place is to be a part of this process. There has never, in my lifetime, been a more important election. Please show up and vote.
- Bobby Weir
To get information on polling places and voting, or to check out the "Show up and Vote" public service announcement starring Bob Weir and the Dead, go to www.headcount.org.
Be prepaired on Election Day
1) Make sure you go to the right polling place.
2) Bring a picture ID with your name and current address.
3) If your Picture ID doesn't have your current address, bring official mail (utility bill, cable bill, rent agreement, etc). To be safe, bring as many forms of ID as possible.
4) Always bring a voter registration card if you have one.
5) Remember, no one can be turned away at the polls. If your name is not listed, cast a provisional ballot.
If you have a problem on election day contact The Election Protection HOTLINE at 1-866-OUR VOTE.
This email was sent by: HeadCount
2100 M St, NW Suite 170 #136 Washington , D.C., 20037,
THEN- Before the smile had a chance to fade, I saw there was more excellent email- looks like I'm in for the November 9th release party...Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!!
A nice story on the Rowan Brothers can be found at:
Ever hear of the Lost Bozos? Perhaps youve seen them in the lot or lurking in a venue?
This nice Bobby photo
is on the same page as this nice/older article at
Jambase asked a bunch of musicians about voting- here's our buddy DG's interview:
Why is it important to vote?
Politics is the people's business. All of our lives are affected by politics, and I consider it an obligation to make my voice heard. If we ignore it, we can be sure it will ignore us.
Is this election any different than elections past?
I feel that this election is the most important of my lifetime (so far). Bush has done grave damage to the principles and practices of our country; if he is allowed to continue, things will get much, much worse. It's going to take generations to undo the damage that's been done by corporate capitalism (and the Democrats are only marginally better than the Republicans in many respects). We have to start right here, right now, because four more years of the Bush regime will greatly increase the damage to the planet and to the human spirit.
Do politics have a place in music?
Why or why not?
Music is an art form, and art is a means of addressing, describing, maybe even altering the human condition. I came of age in a time when some people thought music could change the world -- and it did, in some ways. I consider it an obligation to try to make the world a better place, and if I can send people home from a show inspired to do the same, that's a good thing. There is a place for pure entertainment, a place for escapism, but music is art, and art is an agent of social change. If I can tell you a story that changes your heart or your mind while you dance, that's a good thing.
JamBase | San Francisco
Just want to rent Grateful Dead dvds? You can find many official dvds here at: http://www.greencine.com/
search Grateful Dead there...