saw I had a TON of email...I saw multiple "Ratdog tour cancelled" in the title line..and hoped it was a hoax- because, except for a few coughs- Bobstar looked okay..then I worried that maybe something bad had happened -an accident or something involving a member of someone's family...
Thanks for the email!!!!!
And the phone call!!!!!!
I'm reassured all our guy needs is the rest & loving care that is bound to be provided in abundance by that big loving family of his.... & Of course,all our kind healing thoughts should seal the deal!
I don't know what the official PO box office address for GDP is these days but I'm sure someone will find one and I'll post it-maybe ask Ruby at gdtstoo? Or Wolfie or Krispy? ...if not I do have an addy I can forward get well /thinking of you cards to...
Honestly, He looked okay,maybe somewhat preoccuppied going over things with various crew & band members-but that was the last scheduled RD gig before leaving town.. - neither Scott,Kem or I can remember seeing Bob sitting down for even a minute at KPFA- and we were there for about 3 hours!
Even for that short minute when David was interviewing him, he was busy adjusting/moving some gizmo around- its why his voice sounds so far away...
Hmmm, didnt get to sleep til after 3am last night...sad for everyone and (even though it's gonna be alright) concerned for Bobstar..On daze when I'm not teaching my alarm is set at 7:10am to KFOG- I woke up and heard the DJ tell listeners to call in and tell "Which band do you want to see reunite?" And the first caller I heard asked for Jerry Garcia, which Segued into Bobby singing "Good Loving".....Ah, synchronicity here we go...
Well, my heart goes out to the Weirs & the Parber and Muenter families....
And to the band and crew who I know were looking forward to and working hard to getting out on tour...This Bay Area fan will absolutely make every effort to go see & support whatever they line up during this break...
(((((( Fall tour MidWest & East Coast Ratdog fans & Weirheads))))) I don't even know what to say- I know the challenges and thrill that goes into planning & anticipating taking on a tour and I'm sorry for your loss this time out..but Spring will come soon enough and those guys will be crazy on fire when they finally get out on tour.......
4 days ago