A few things about the aftermath of the cancelled
RatDog tour have become clear by now.
At least we can tell the following:
We have word about the 2 Camden shows. We will
be assigned tickets for those of you who still would
like to go to these shows. Current information:
Friday, November 26, 2004
The String Cheese Incident
w/ special guest Robert Randolph & The Family Band
DJ Harry will be spinning in the concourse this night as well.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
The String Cheese Incident
w/ special guest Railroad Earth
Josh Wink will be spinning in the concourse this night as well.
Please let us know as soon as possible whether or not you'd
like to receive tickets for these shows. We will then either get
your tickets to you in due time, or else return your money
orders. Needless to say we should resolve this situation
as fast as we can. If we do not hear from you by the end
of next week, October 22, we may not be able to hold
tickets for you.
We are returning money orders for all shows that
had not yet been ticketed. This includes the shows
in Frederick, MD, Denver, CO and all other shows
scheduled for November. We hope to have those
money order in the mail by Monday at the latest.
Re: all shows for which you have already received tickets:
We are still waiting for instructions from management as
to how to resolve the situation. We will of course let you
know as soon as we have word.
The Crew of GDTSTOO
15 hours ago