Just when ya think it's safe to go back on internet....well, let's forget about that and just be proud of the folks who create good vibes, eh?
Ratdog,org is back...I went in and redid my own ratstats..not that Doggy stats tell the whole story...there were benefits and stuff featuring the Bobman that don't get counted on that and there isnt a site I know of that just does Weir stats....not that I have any idea of how I would use my Weirstats if I knew em....
It's always about quality anyhow and deciding what makes for an excellent weir show is an individual thing anyhow ((((((El Paso)))))))
I'm never making anarchy cookies again!
it took ounces of black food coloring just to get something that looked black- I iced 95 (always make more when its a design I've never tried) cookies black. Let them all dry/harden overnite only to see by the dawn's early light that they werent really black but a purply gray color...So, re-iced em all using ALL the black food coloring...after they all dried again, I traced (toothpicks) perfect circles & straight lines on em all, and whipped up blood red frosting to create the symbols - ugh! They looked dumb....I decided to bag em up (cellophane & ribbon) even though Cyn said she was gonna serve em on platters - they just look way better bagged...I was tying up the ribbons and asked Sash to taste a spare, hoping all the food coloring hadnt tainted the taste.."MMM!" Cookies were kid tested & approved but when I looked over at her, Sash's mouth and teeth were all black....anarchy indeed...
15 hours ago