"Don't have my cell-ya gotta tell Tim & Linda to go to Mystic tonight!! The guy from..with the voice..Northern Exposure..is playing..was just HERE!!! with some guys...Tell Linda two passes for the show will be waiting for them TONIGHT at willcall..gottagoseeyouathomebye"
The guy on Northern Exposure with the voice?
Hmmmmmmmmmm, Oh Yummy! Chris was the charactor's name! What a hottie!!
I LOVED that charactor!
I rack my brain to remember his name - I have to google the TV show to find out what it is
I can't find Linda's number and my cell phone is dead..Tim & Linda live out by the Mystic and I'm glad Scott thought of them..
So I email her to tell her to go see that guy from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" since Linda's a big movie nut...
I'm not sure she would know him as "Chris"
Linda emails me back that She can't believe I didnt mention him from "Sex in the City"!!!
I guess He's her "Aiden"...(I'm more of a "Mr Big" fan
She'll talk to Tim..
Finally Scott is home to reveal all he knows-which isnt a lot except that one of the guys that he came in with was a friend of one of Scott's cousins..they were poking around the Mission and came in to say hello..that John looked like any head walkin through the Mission- long haired with a beard thing...rather real..Scott recognized the voice (all those voiceover commercials) before he knew who he was chatting with...
Bet he sings real nice..
Hopefully Linda will give me a big fat review..

Mona's Ratdog photos!