If there were awards for degrees of Weir Freaks, Chez would definately stand in a class all his own..
It takes one to know one...
So Pinky alludes to this Les Claypool-Electric Apricot-Bobby thing but Mazzy went to see the EA show at Sweetwater and no Bobby...Gotta wonder where AidIn Vaziri gets his scoops?
Maybe the internet?
So last night we had our own film festival in the den...Scott in a usual week has just Sunday & sometimes Wednesdaze off..So, 3 day weekends when Scott has 2 daze off in a row are the best!
Back when I first met Scotto, he and his cohorts rented beach houses down in Aptos and each year it was a 3 day party..and I do mean PARTY! That was before anyone was married and I was the only one with a kid ( I probably partied the hardest of all of them during my 3 day reprieve of responsibilities as that would be when the Boy Wonder spent the long weekends at his Dad's)...But where was I?
Oh Yeah, in celebration of staying up late and ruining/losing at least one day, we watched a bunch of movies...The first one was
'Merchant Of Venice" with Pacino-WOOF!! Deadwood primed us all season in listening closely, so our ear for Shakespeare was pretty good...Yum!
Then, we put on "Go Furthur" The Woody Harrelson movie and the first thing in there is BOBBY playing TOO at a bus stop. Yum!
Don't know what to make of the rest of the movie...Nice soundtrack! I couldnt figure out if the film was a documentary or scripted..it was interesting and there are familiar West Coastie people all through it...such as Kesey.. when "they" put together a movie on the life & times of Ken Kesey, I betcha it will Woody they hire to play him.
Next up was 'Coffee & Cigarettes" lots of dialog but we kept up though it was dragging on there for a bit..
Our final flick was 'The Big Lebowski" which got shut off about half way through...
Today or tonight we'll be taking kids to see Star Wars ..Final film right? I think I was still in high school when the first one came out? Or was that ET?
10 hours ago