Do you want to play a game?
One of a few new links I ran across lately...
So nu?
Again - a housefull of kids, so I'm stuck here..just for today-tomorrow Scott's taking ours out to Pac Bell (or is it SBC? I can't keep up) for the game...
Anyhow, can't complain, the kids are mellow and I've got my sewing machine set up, Some lovely fabric for shirts are cut (theyve been waiting to be made for months)some new shows downloaded and in a few moments, I'll put it all together and churn out a half dozen tops at once. See, I only use one pattern but am pretty good at altering the one pattern -varying the neckline, sleeve styles, adding extra stuff. the main thing is that the gament has some 'swing' to it.... I collect fabrics...and wait til the urge strikes then cut all the pattern pieces at once..Then wait til the next urge strikes and sew everything at once...Once I ran out of time and had 4 shirts each needing just the sleeves and hems put in..what can I say, that's my method...
Just another Crazy weather Spring Saturday-one moment rain the next sunshine..back & forth like that....
Enjoying the lull before the next wave of email alerts, music, bands, trips up to SF and or rushes across the GG bridge...maybe even more houseguests (hope so!)??
It seems friends have concerns about the increasing popularity of Ratdog.
Once that VH1 thing hits...ay yi yi!
I guess we'll have to get used to the idea of bigger venues (though, I'd rather seen multiple nights in one venue-in case anyone out there is paying attention-and if you are out there, how about getting on with this summer's tour or not schedule?)
But Hey!
I'm proud of those guys and especially for my Bobstar.
Welcome home Doggies!!
My new shows have been burned and so off to the machines I shall go!
6 days ago