He's so right too! Apparently, Bobstar popped by for a sit in on a few songs including "Turn on your Lovelight" with Tea Leaf Green!
My own fault for letting my RAN membership expire. (((Bobby's neverending support for environmental & humanitarian organizations))) Seriously, there's a heart of gold in there.
Well, despite how things seem, I'm not a total stalker...and fwiw I weir to go a stalking, my bets wouldve been hanging around a certain village in Marin to check out the film festival which has been taking place. My spy sez the square was a pretty happening place on Friday and Saturday. Actually, I don't have a spy, it's just my son (he's working in a bank on the main square there-eats lunch at Pearl's phat burgers) who would probably rather not feed my fevered fixation.
Like everyone else, I'm waiting to hear about NYE..Lots of rumors..nothing firm from anyone who might even really really know. All good things in good time and maybe somewhere in the meanwhile there will s news about whether the West Coast will see any Ratdog between now and then?
Sure am hoping so!
The trellis is 1/2 way there!