Got to spend a little time in "Chill" Valley.
I had a date with a tall, handsome, brown eyed man who is half my age...
yeah, right! It was brunch with my son! After which he had a meeting (he works in that town) and I hit some excellent stores!
I did wander over to Throckmorten to see what's coming up at Sweetwater. Looks like a nice benefit coming together tomorrow night..
Corinne West is the featured entertainer - She's a wonderful folk singer.We heard her sing at David Gans Invitational.. Here's some info about the shindig from Corinne's website:
Mill Valley, CA The Sweetwater Saloon 10/19
Join us to support a benefit for Andy Berman for Mill Valley City council!
Wavy Gravy will MC the night.
Tickets are $15.00.
3 bands and special guests!!
Tickets will be sold at the door..
4 days ago