Jilly's thoughts on last night's show-stolen from Deadnet:
"jillybean - 07:33am Apr 1, 2004 PDT (#14759 of 14776)
she always liked to sing along
when i heard the dark star in the jam in the beginning i thought "hmmm", but was thrilled to death when then went into jack straw. jay took "jerry's" vocal verses (YAY - let's here it for vocal diversity - i've been saying that about ratdog for WAY too long, now). i know it's bobby's band, but once in a while, it's nice to hear other voice. LOTS more harmony than even the
last time i saw ratdog in oct. jay is taking high harmonies - on a few tunes on tuesday i didn't think he was quite on, but i liked his vocals in jack straw really well.
then derek came out (man, is he hot - built like a ton of bricks, cute baby face, gorgious (sp?) long blond hair, big feet, big hands - man, is he hot) and they did watchtower - excellent version. i didn't expect that they would start the dark star with derek - kinda threw me a curve. derek ripped it up on odessa big time. ROR was fabulous - nailed it head on (except where bobby forgot the lyrics (just like mary shelly...). she says was fine and the 2 djinn was nicely done. i needed the set break.
came out all acoustic with BTW - excellent. robin was cruising away on the upright bass, and where i was i could feel LOTS of bass. the corrina was also ripping - everybody still acoustic but mark was electric. perfect for me. then they went into bury me standing - and i thought "did somebody have a break-up or something." this was "women suck song night." scarlet got EVERYBODY bopping and i really like ashes & glass (contrary to many who think it's contrite). standing on the moon was soulfull and went they went back into dark star - i thought - ok, that's it. wrong. throwing stones got me groovin' again.
the foolish heart seemed a bit unpolished to me, bobby flubbed some lyrics and they didn't seem to quite nail it, but then again - i'm a patient lady. i'll just wait.
bobby was all dressed up in his cargo shorts and grey polo. wonder what kind of altoids he had in his pocket (i like the tangerine the best). mark was sporting a red shirt and jay had a cool shirt that said "hate - off love - on" or something like that.
kenny was on all night (even with the cow bell) - i had no issues with him at all. he sounded fantastic on everything. jay was cruisin' on the drums last night. way more so than the night before - or at least it seemed that way to me. but he's using some cymbal that i dislike a lot. very screechy sounding to me, and it's present way more than i would like.
jeff is nothing but a pleasure from start to end and i think robin is a fantastic addition. he can rock on the upright and electric and really has done a great job. bobby "told" him he fucked up (his head said "no, no, no") one ending and robin shrugged his shoulders like "oh well." however, robin must be straining because he had his arm iced the whole time before the show. maybe he's not used to bobby's type of schedule.
mark tore it up in a few places, but in others the tone sounded a bit "sloppy" to me. like he was trying to get the right groove but was slurring instead of hitting it dead on (i don't know any other way to explain it).
stank - should've come upstairs. LOTS of bass and plenty of room to dance. nice see you and pooch. you both look great. "
4 days ago