You must Watch it. Very sweet!
From Ratdog dot org regarding York, PA:
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:46 am Post subject: No show in York, according to RatDog's management
Just got an e-mail from RatDog's management stating that there is no show set for York, PA, on November 7, and that no such show is in the works. Sorry for the bad information from the venue's Web site
Nice report on Bobby sightings at MerleFest
Non Bob chatter-
Wellp, both my younger kids are away at camp this week!
Dropped the boy off yesterday. He's at an overnight computer technology camp at Stanford University.
He's eating in the dining halls and sleeping in a dorm. His roommate is from Russia with a thick accent.
I can't imagine how interesting their communication must be since my boy has an auditory processing disorder.
At any rate, the drop off was smooth, the staff is youthful and friendly. We walked past tables and tables of PC & Mac laptops on our way to check out his dorm room. During the day the time is dived between learning computer tricks and outdoor activities. At night, there are gaming contests. After leaving him, Scotto & I headed down to University Avenue in Palo Alto.
The streets were packed with folks from all over the world. We checked out a few shops and ended up having a nice dinner at Gordon Biersch on Emerson. Palo Alto's University Ave is a whole lot different from Berkeley's University Ave. I was just at the UCB University Ave last week to grab a snack with Sash before taking her to Winna's bus pick up.
I've already received an email from Noah's camp! Something I guess I ought to print out and add to his baby book. My other camper has sent me a letter from Winnarainbow. Tells me she's now into aerial acrobatics..Geez, guess she forgot about the instructions to avoid strenuous activity!
We still haven't heard back about the results of her EKG- hopefully, this afternoon.
After scanning the boards and searches for Bob stuff, I'm off to deal with the garage. Sooner I clear that clutter, the sooner I can resume my gazillion art projects and contribute more to the new Bobsessed blog.
May not be online tomorrow or Wednesday so take care!

A star is born (Winnarainbow 2005)