Now not only do we have tickets for Saturday night's BGBP but we have an extra as we werent aware a friend had found one.
I guess I'll check among the other Bobby freaks to see if anyone is in need before going back to KFOG Ticket Swap.
And from David Gans-
Here are the confirmed dates for the next couple of months.
Detgials, links, etc. at http://www.dgans.com/gigs.html
Also: please visit my new BLOG, http://playback.trufun.com
Thursday, January 12: DG and Ralph Roddenbery w/ Mark Van Allen at
the Pour House, Charleston SC
Friday, January 13: DG and Ralph Roddenbery w/ Mark Van Allen at the
Kodiak, Rutherfordton NC
Saturday, January 14: DG and Ralph Roddenbery at Jake's, Decatur GA
Wednesday, January 18: DG and the New Traditionals w/ Mark Van Allen
at the House of Jam, Jacksonville FL
Thursday, January 19: DG w/ Mark Van Allen at the Bamboo Room, Lake Worth FL
Friday, January 20: DG and Ralph Roddenbery w/ Mark Van Allen at 550
Blues, Macon GA
Saturday, January 21: DG and Ralph Roddenbery w/ Mark Van Allen at
Java Junction, Clearwater FL
Thursday, January 26, 9:00 pm: The Invitational: DG, Mario DeSio, Ira
Marlowe, and others TBA. Hotel Utah, 500 Fourth Street (at Bryant),
San Francisco. $7. 415-546-6300
Saturday, January 28, 9 am to 1 am pst: the annual KPFA Grateful Dead <----WHOA! HUNH?!! WOOF-WOOF!
marathon! Bob Weir and Ratdog will perform live. More details TBA.
Thursday, February 2, 8pm: Benefit for Plant a Tree w/ DG, Rowan
Bros., Greg Anton, Jimmy Sanchez, Grapefruit Ed, Scott Huckabay,<----It's Paulyy's benefit! Have to miss it, going on cruise!
12 Galaxies, 2656 Mission St., SF. $25.
Monday, February 6: Mystic Hot Springs, Monroe UT. DVD shoot!
Saturday, February 18: with Joseph Langham and Each Others' Legend at
the Spirit Room, 166 Main Street, Jerome AZ. 928-634-8809
Thursday, March 9, 9:00 pm: The Invitational; Henry Kaiser, Jeff
Blair, and others TBA. Hotel Utah, 500 Fourth Street (at Bryant), San
Francisco. $7. 415-546-6300
March 23-26: The Suwannee Springest in Live Oak FL! www.magmusic.com
March 28-April 1, 2006: Jamm in Jamaica at Seven Mile Beach in
Negril. w/ Donna the Buffalo, Railroad Earth, The Big Wu, Under Full
sail, Hot Buttered Rum String Band, Everyone Orchestra, David Gans,
Vince Herman. jamminjamaica.com
David Gans - david@trufun.com or david@gdhour.com
4 days ago