February 25, 2005
Boxer Rocks!
San Francisco, CA
It started out as a little ol' CD release party, and turned into An Event!
We were so impressed with the courage of our junior Senator that we decided to dedicate the evening to her, and we persuaded a few of our friends to come out and play. It didnt take much persuading, in actual fact. So lines formed outside Slims early on that Friday night, and never really abated. We heard from David Jacobs-Strain, a singer-songwriter and blues acolyte, and from the Court and Spark, a young San Francisco band with a genre-busting sound. Then it was FOB time, and as we were getting the cumzoutas and gazintas all sorted and satisfied, Boz Scaggs came up on stage and called the Senator to the stage to receive a framed poster for the event signed by all the participating musicians a horde including, in addition to ourselves and friend and occasional SuperFOB G.E. Smith, Country Joe McDonald, David Nelson, T Bone Burnett, Bob Weir, and the aforementioned Mr. Scaggs. Senator Boxers remarks were casual but to the point: Dick Cheney is so scary! she confided in describing the difficult choices she had made over the past few months. And then the music started and didnt stop for well over four hours!
Set list:
(All below with G.E. Smith, Guitar)
Nick of Time
Wise Man in the Desert
Spillin the Blues
Devils Kitchen
with Country Joe McDonald
Support the Troops
Save the Whales
Rockin All Around the World
with T Bone Burnett
Every Time I Feel the Shift
with David Nelson
Wicked Messenger
Impressionist Two-Step
Panama Red
with Bob Weir
Jack Straw
Playin in the Band > Uncle Johns Band > Playin in the Band
Friend of the Devil
Blip in the Life
with Boz Scaggs
It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
As the World goes Passing By
Highway 61 Revisited
The Weight
Like a Rolling Stone
And also-
February 26, 2005
A Grand Learning Experience
Mill Valley, CA
This whole weekend was just jam-packed (pun intended) with talent! We all needed a wake-up call after the Slims show the night before, and this one -- a benefit for West Contra Costa Unified School Distrct -- was as deep in many respects. There were some great moments from David Gans and the Rowan Brothers, whose sets established a Beatles thread that permeated the evening. Mark Karan, playing with Robin Sylvester, Kenny Brooks and our own Pete Sears and Jimmy Sanchez, delivered another of his signature sets of convolutions and evolutions of great songs which we had to follow! We recruited T Bone Burnett to add some of his special sauce, and enticed the Rowans up on stage, and generally created enough mayhem that most of the packed house were able to overlook the overflow from the sanitary system that rendered the dancing a bit of a soggy exercise.
Set list:
Happy Endings
Fallling in Leaves
Ticket to Ride > Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad (with the Rowan Brothers)
Featuring T Bone Burnett:
Every Time I Feel The Shift
Criminal Under My Own Hat
W.S. Walcott Medicine Show
Nick of Time > Devil's Kitchen
Playin in the Band > Uncle Johns Band > Plain in the Band
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Highway 61
Stella Blue
Like a Roilling Stone
The Times they are a Changin'
4 days ago