I hope you have a plan for some (Hot fun this Summer)!
As I mentioned- ad nauseam, Mr S & I will be heading to the So Cal shows.
I'm so excited about San Diego (My mom was born there) I think the last time I was there was for a family reunion in something like 1970? We stayed at the Coronado hotel. I got stuck babysitting my cousins most of the time.
I look forward to seeing if the Humphrey's fabulous premium package is all that. We are to be seated at the fabulous restaurant (part of the package is we eat there before the show) at 4:30pm. After the fabulous dinner (they told me in a phone conversation) we will be lead to our fabulous 2nd row seats, dead Bobby center, and only then will the hot fun in the Summertime be starting!
With a carload of friends, we will head up to LA the next day. I have relatives I must try to visit .
I am actually from Los Angeles- born in Hollywood at Cedars Sinai hospital. I spent entire summers at my grandfolks homes one set lived in the "Miracle Mile" , another set in Beverly Hills . My great grandparents lived next to Fairfax avenue. I had relatives sprinkled all around there. My dad left Los Angeles to attend Hastings in SF in the early 1960's. My mom followed him here. After they got settled, they sent for me. YAY!
Anyhow, I will need to at least see my old haunts and fit a visit in with my newly discovered abuelito
while I'm there. Then it's off to the show!
Until then, it's all about getting the house and yard together....which is taking forever!
But, the price is right and the work that is getting done is solid.
Hopefully the new pool will be installed before Summer ends. That would rock!
I've been working on a few projects.
One of my projects is a 60th birthday gift for Bobby.
It's involving anyone who wants to contribute.
Send me an inquiry and I'll send you the info.
My deadline to acquire everyone's contribution ( not money- just birthday messages) is September 1st.
I'll be bugging everyone to contribute all thru the summer.
A few days a week, I'll be taking Sash into SF for Art classes at the Academy.
Noah and I look forward to wandering aroud SF on the days we bring her to the city. After a few classes, Sash might be able to manuever herself safely around on BART and meet up with us at various locations. We shall see. We have always enjoyed our city outings.
Noah doesnt go to camp til August (tech camp! again). This week, he's been going to a camp that all they do is go to the various water and amusement parks around the Bay Area. He comes home and conks right out. The rest of the summer he is going to start working on Bar Mitzvah preparations. Oh Boy.
Scotters has all his Summer softball leagues coming up (He pitches on a few teams) plus loads of Giants games (like one or two a week) including the upcoming Giants-Yankees game.
I'm working a whopping 9 days this Summer- as an arts & crafts instructor at a day camp. I'm being paid an obscene amount money to do it. It's going to be a great summer!
4 days ago