Glowy was here and we had mucho fun! As you can likely tell by the amount of spelling errors and missing words in the last few posts. It's not that I can't spell, it's that my vision is so poor that I don't see the errors til after I publish. I'm usually in a huge hurry,so misspells are just left there.
Scotto's still in SoCal at the NAMM convention . I think the stories of Glowy & my adventures in SF will top anything that might have occurred at NAMM.
(((Safe travels to everyone on the road & in the air today!)))
Cute blogger story of winning tix to a Ratdog show. Clickit.Clickitgood!
In another blog, there's some love being shown for Masterpiece
And in the "You can't do anything without it being noticed" file, Mark Pitta reports a very recent Bobby sighting.
4 days ago