I drive by this bench almost everyday. Today, I finally had to snap a picture,
It's not a bus stop (how perfect would that be if it were?) but was made for and presented to the ancient crossing guard who has been stopping traffic so kids can safely get to school since forever.
Pelosi party mini blog
Press Democrat reports that
"On Monday, six Bay Area high school students sat down with former Grateful Dead band member Bob Weir to create, record and mix a song on Mac computers and studio equipment located in an RV in the north hall. It was part of the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, which will be at the expo all week and open to the public."
OMIG! I want one!!!!!
What's freakin weird is the sample chatter they have up to demonstrate the phone is suppose to be a guy from my town (Belmont, CA.) and I know exactly the location they are talking about meeting.