Funeral was yesterday. At the end of a long and sad day, Scotto and I were comforted by viewing many messages and e-mails of condolences from our Ratdog family. It's a kind family, that is for sure, Thank you all...I have items that are overdue to go out in the mail to Ratdoggers. I'll definately get to the PO in the morning so hold on...
A thousand apologies for screwing up my own Blogspot with poorly pasted in UK tales...Maybe in time, I will be able to take a few hours and polish it up and put it back on here in a more organized manner...I've got a mind to upgrade this page- I went to try to do that but the page I need is currently under maintenance. I hope there will spellchecking btw....
The house here, is an utter disaster- nothing has been taken care of since Sunday..better go clean up some pots and pans before someone calls social services on us!
4 days ago