Hello Hello! I'm still around....Love reading the show reviews located at Deadnet.com and Ratdog.org...Really enjoying the fantasy setlist thang over at Ratdog.org....I have risen from 242nd place to 177th place...I'm up to 24 points so far....There's no prizes or anything- just a matter of honor...if I had any notion of having an intuitive "bond" with the band- well, I've been humbled by low scores in the past fantasy setlist games....but this time, I feel lucky...we shall see.
If you didnt get in on the Setlist game at the start, you can still go by Ratdog.org and compute your Ratdoggy stats there... That was a lot of fun- Shows how many times you've heard specific songs plus what percentage of shows you've seen- I already forgot my stats- either I've seen 42 Ratdog shows or 42% of all the Ratdog shows...My favorite stat is that I've seen my guys play in 4 separate countries and 4 different US states...Not bad for a middle aged hausfrau from the suburbs.
4 days ago