Mail order is now closed through March 10, the
Beacon run.
We also have to close the Concord show as of
today and both Penn's Peak shows are sold out.
Mail order is still open for Boston, Baltimore,
Hippodrome, Norva and the Southern shows.
There is a bit of a problem with Hippodrome.
We had expected the tickets here a while ago,
but it turns out that a mistake was made in sending
them, so now we will have the tickets here this
coming Tuesday, March 6. We will get them out
to you on that same day. If you have a real problem
with this, we can send your tickets to will/call.
Please let us know.
We expect to be able to get the tickets for the
Southern shows - Atlanta, Asheville and Greensboro
out sometime this coming week.
You all have a fine time on this RatDog tour....
"It goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play
and play it slow....."
Robert Hunter
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Customer Service Number: (415) 898-2364
Monday-Friday,9 am-6pm, PST.
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4 days ago