A video from the show last night may be viewed at:
Thank you Benny from dot org!
From Munck Music:
Dear RatDog fan,
We'd like to inform you of some important changes to RatDog Live.
Starting with the current 2008 spring tour, Munck Music will now be offering downloads only of RatDog's future live recordings. We will also continue to offer CDs (and downloads) of all previous shows from the 2003-2007 tour archives. The new web address for all downloads (and archive CDs), is: RatDogDownloads.com
You know what is fun to do while waiting for shows?
Well, for me, it's making up my own tour shirt to wear at the show.
Instead of ironing on the photos/text to the shirt, I simply go to zazzle.com (they acquired Goodstorm) and
put my design on a shirt , pay a reasonable fee and then they create it and send it to me.
My last shirt (which I'll wear at the Beacon) got here in 2 days!
I'm embellishing it at the moment but here are parts of it- pre Bedazzling)
14 hours ago