Monterey Pop festival turns 40!
Bob Weir & RatDog and the Allman Brothers at Jones Beach
The Rex Foundation is having a special ticket $210.00 includes, VIP tent with dinner ,open bar, vip parking per order, and orchestra seating at Jones Beach on 8.21.07
This a fundaising event for both the Allman Brothers Big House Foundation and the Rex Foundation.. A first time collaboration .
Tickets are LIMITED, go to the Rex Foundation website or GDTSTOO download the order form , fill it out and fax today!!! ALSO- Phone in credit card orders will be accepted by Rex and GDTSTOO .
good luck!! and thank you!
As of 5.9.07... GDTSTOO is sold out of these tickets.
Call Rex Foundation . 415 561 3135 or download form and fax in..... there are a just few left.
4 days ago