Okay here's a list of things to do in the 100 days leading up to the Ratdog Daze in Jamaica.
Can you tell I'm just as excited as I was about a year ago? Last year I found it fun to have one travel task to do each day up til we left. Here's a list to keep ya busy and focused.
Of course, you could skip almost everything and pack 10 minutes before hittin the airport but where is the fun in that? Ready? Here goes!
..............................In no particular order.........................
1. Double check your invoice- everything looks okay?
2. Do you have a passpost? Is it current ? When does it expire?
3. Book your flights.
4. Line up housesitter/pet care for the time you are gone. Be sure who you hire will be able to add an extra day if needed - just in case something goes awry with your flight home.
5. Double check what coverage you have at work. Again, is there back up if you get stuck somewhere or need a day to recover?
6. Print out 3 or more copies of your flights itineraries. Take 2 with you, leave one or more with a friend or family member.
7. Make a few copies of your passport- leave one with that friend or family member. Bring a copy with you too.
8. Will your cell phone work @ the resort? If not consider how your loved ones may get in touch with you in case of an emergency. They could e-mail or you could have them phone the resort?
9. Checkout your suitcase. Is it in good shape? How does it smell? Zipper, wheels, handle all okay? Will the size work for 4 days worth of stuff? Nine days? Don't forget space to bring along school supplies if you are planning on donating to the school.
10. Do you need new toiletry cases?
11. How about your carry-on?
12. Do you have a set of walkie talkies? Chargers? Very useful to have @ the resort if you are traveling with someone.
13. Where is your camera? Do you have all the chargers, cords, memory cards together? If you can't find the charger or whatever, you still have time to order a replacement.
14. Video camcorder? Same as above ^^
15. Got kids? Copy all insurance info. Provide medical, dental histories for whomever is going to be taking care of them.
16. Again- kids- before you get too busy, if your kids are young, maybe nice to write a note or wrap a little surprise for them to open each day while you are away.
17. Have your vision checked. If you need a new prescription you have time to get some snazzy prescription sunglasses and fresh contact lenses for the trip.
18. How's your ipod? cords, headphones, chargers?
19. Bills. Which will need to be sent out before you leave?
20. School supply shopping- if you plan on donating school supplies to Jamaican children/teachers. You can get a lot of basic supplies at your local dollar store.
21. Spend a few moments at the Lido website, familiarize yourself with the dining there, especially if you are on a restricted diet. We ate most of our meals at the grills. We'll be there for more daze this time and should be able to check out all the restaurants this round.
22. Now, spend a few moments looking over the spa & salon treatments on the resort. These services tend to book up quickly but you can make appt.s before you go by phoning the resort.
I went for braiding because of the humidity. My hair is frizzy enough in normal conditions, having some of it put in little braids made me less concerned about it looking crazier than normal.
23. While we are thinking about it, book your pre travel hair appointment so you won't have to squeeze it in later when you really get busy.
24. Make a note for when you do go in to the salon, to have your hair person recommend an appropriate conditioner to deal with the humidity, sand, sun and salt your hair will be exposed to.
25. Book a pedicure. Last year the pedi & mani were part of the package- not so this year.
26. Where are your flip flops? If you just have one pair, consider buying at least a 2nd pair. It's all you really need for most of the time on the resort. Bring at least a 2nd pair because after losing your sunglasses, favorite pen and room key, you will probably lose one of your flip flops. I lost one last year and so did a friend (I gave her a pair of mine since I brought 4 pairs)
27. Speaking of footwear, where are your walking/hiking/tennis/water shoes in case you plan on doing anything that require using them.
28. Where is your swimsuit? Do you need a new one? Find one online if your shops don't carry swimsuits in the winter- be sure you know your measurements before you order online. If you're a girl, you can ask a lingerie salesperson at a high end dept. store like Nordstroms, to measure and give you your exact bra/cup size.
29. Where are your Summer clothes? Might as well take em out, try them on, air them out and take notes on what you might need that you don't have. You really won't need very much but it's nice to be prepared before you actually start packing.
30. Bring a journal..can be a pretty travel one , a sketch pad, or just a spiral notebook. You want this to use for anything- intensive journaling, doodling, notes. Also, a pen/pencils/sharpies whatever works for ya.
31. Maybe you want to bring an address book too? Postcards to family? Add new friends.
32. Meds? If you take any, be sure you will have the appropriate amount to bring along.
33. Will you need to bring home gifts? There is a gift shop on the resort and a craft market just across the road from Lido. I liked the wood carvings and my husband liked the bargaining. We bought all our gifts at the craft market- a small djembe for our son, a tee shirt for the other son, a wooden dog for our daughter. Other stuff for our folks and housesitter.
34. Checked out the on resort activities? Some things are free, others will cost you.
35.Familarize yourself with a map of Jamaica. I love maps. If anyone knows who makes a cool one of Jamaica or even just Negril, lemme know, ok?
36. Interested in seeing more of Jamaica? We barely left the resort last year but heard of cool things that others did off the site. We will be there the whole 9 daze, so perhaps we will be motivated to check out whatever is going on...or not, we liked doing nothing a lot too!
37. Travel entertainment? Book? I like to listen to an audiobook while I'm flying - I also do needlecrafts. Lots of interesting audio/video choices on iTunes. Bring a little something to entertain yourself for the flight home if you can't sleep on planes.
38. Do you have your personal 1st aid kit assembled? Hangover & sunburn cures?
39. Sunscreen/ tanning oils packed?
40. Add to the fun by bringing something to share- cds, magnets, dog tags, friendship bracelets, stickers are among some of the gifts I've either given or received in my RD travels. I didnt bring anything to hand off last year but this year, I have something in mind...
41. Do you have lonnng layovers anywhere? If it's an airport you are not familiar with, google it and check out what there may be to do there. Some airports have hair and massage salons, most have internet. Some interesting art exhibits go on at the big airports. Some have incredible shopping malls..They ALL have bars.
42. What is actually legal in Jamaica? If you arent certain, you may want to take a moment and find out ...know before you go.
43. Sharing a room with someone new? Might want to pack earplugs and eye shades...just sayin..
44. Do you have younger children?Let your kids teachers know you will be out of town and who will be in charge of your children.
45. What is okay to bring on the plane this year? What is okay to bring home from Jamaica?
46. If you arent using a housesitter, make sure someone you trust will go by and pick up your newspapers and mail.
47. If you have the time, change the sheets on your bed before you leave so when you get home it's just that much nicer than coming home to rumpled bedding.
48. How are you getting to the airport? How will you get home from the airport?
49. Are your luggage tags filled out and current? Probably should not put your home address (try your work addy) on it if no one is watching/staying at your house.
50. Time to double check that you have all your tickets, itineraries & passports ready to go!
This is it!
Additonal suggestions-
51. Sun hat? I don't have one but could use one as my face was tomato red the whole time I was in Jamaica. Thank you Tashi for the idea.
52. Party homework if your teetotller (sp?)- try a Red Stripe and rum drinks find what you like because you'll enjoy it even more at the resort (all inclusive) with the premium rum added.
53. Word on the street is that there may be an open mike night hosted by someone with the band...If it is going to take place, do you have your act together?????
54. # 53 reminds me of Charux poker tourney last year...Practice your poker face and best moves if you are throwing in with the big dogs.
51. Sun hat? I don't have one but could use one as my face was tomato red the whole time I was in Jamaica. Thank you Tashi for the idea.
52. Party homework if you are a teetotller (sp?)- try a Red Stripe and rum drinks find what you like because you'll enjoy it even more at the resort (all inclusive) with the premium rum added.
53. Word on the street is that there may be an open mike night hosted by someone with the band...If it is going to take place, do you have your act together?????
54. # 53 reminds me of Charux poker tourney last year...Practice your poker face and best moves if you are throwing in with the big dogs.
55. If you smoke bring an ashtray (or buy one at the craft market?) There are few if any ashtrays @ Lido <- Thank You Lisa!
56. Bring along a cardboard mailing tube for any posters you may purchase, Ratdog offered 2 posters last year<- thanks Tashi!
57. also- Travel mug if you want to fill up & wander off with the beverage of your choice.
8 hours ago